Surrender: Accepting What Already Is

Surrendering then is not capitulation to something or someone outside of myself, but rather an acceptance of the divine spirit that lives within me.

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Finding Faith in the Dark

Sometimes faith is such a slender thread that I don’t even know it exists, but it is ultimately what gives me the strength to carry on in the midst of the dark. It is only in the dark that I can recognize that my faith is real.

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More on Signs and Wonders

Over the years, I have learned to trust those signs that come to me, and the more that I trust them, the clearer they become. The more I pay attention and trust those messages, the more I can trust my own inner compass to lead me to what is right for me.

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The Pregnant Void

When darkness and uncertainty seem overwhelming, trust becomes the guiding principal for survival. I must trust that there is a Divine plan, and I must be open to following it. I must trust that something in this darkness is waiting to be born into the light, and that that something is in alignment with Spirit

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