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Practicing Joy

Practicing Joy

Last week I wrote about that which brings joy. I described it as a state of flow, of connection with the divine inner being and the God/dess within. The question for me, and probably for most of us, then, is how to reach that state of inner flow. How do I get in touch with that which brings me joy? Because each of us is unique, there are as many ways to joy as there are human beings in the world, but I do believe that there are some things that almost universally bring joy. Today, I want to share a few of the things that help me get into that joyful and life-giving state of flow.

Eckhart Tolle says, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”  When I live in the Now, in the present moment, I am concentrating on what is, not what was or what will be. I am not worried about past or future. I am able to be in a state of wonder and gratitude. I am alive in the moment, and that to me is a form of joy.

Creativity is one of the best practices for living in the moment, and living in that state of joyous flow. When I am concentrating on creating something, I am not worried about the next thing. I am focused on the work of creation. In this state, I have no thought of time or space. Hours can fly by in what seems like moments. I am in touch with my inner vision, my imagination, and my inner child. When I let go of perfection and step into creation, I step into inner joy.

Being in nature also helps me to step into that internal flow which brings me joy. When I walk on the grass barefooted, I deeply connect to mother earth. The beauty of a sunrise or sunset, the calls of birds, the color of autumn leaves, the riotous blooming of spring – all the glory of nature that surrounds me fills me with joy. If I can lie on the earth in the sun, listen to the sounds of a babbling brook, feel the energy of a majestic tree, or hold a wriggling baby or puppy in my lap, I am overcome with a deep feeling of connection to all that is. I am filled with knowing that I am part of a glorious divine whole.

Practicing gratitude may sound trite, but when I am grateful. I open a floodgate of joy that spills into my life and hopefully into the lives of the people around me. There is so much to be grateful for, even in the midst of tragedy and loss. When I am grateful, I am in a state of loving acceptance of what is, and in that state, I am in a state of connected flow. In that state, I am in a state of joy.

Carving out time for myself for meditation and prayer is also one of the things that brings me joy. In that sacred, quiet space I have learned to love myself, to be gentle with myself and to open myself to the Divine, loving presence that is in me and that surrounds me at all times. When I quiet my mind and listen to the inner Divine voice that calls to me, I find that my capacity for joy grows. I become more grounded, more open, and more observant of the love that encompasses me always. I am aware of the connectedness of all things, and I feel held and loved.

Joy is not dependent on the external circumstances that surround me. It is, however, dependent on my own inner connectedness to the Divine. When I practice living in the present, creativity, communing with nature, gratitude, and spending time with myself and Goddess, I connect ever more deeply to that flow of Spirit within, that deep joy that is mine, regardless of outside circumstances. I become ever more joy filled and grounded in the eternal.

What brings you joy?

Barbara Garland
March, 2021

Barbara Garland

The Heart's Longing

April 2, 2021