gratitude and rust

In Gratitude

For the moon that caresses with her silver light
For stars twinkling in the blackness of space
For the warmth of the sun which makes all life possible

For the greening grass
For the budding trees
For tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths blooming in wild profusion

For the deer and wild turkey which make my yard their home
For the fox, the possum, racoon, armadillo
For all the creatures which bring balance to the world

For birds greeting the dawn with sweet song
For cardinals flashing red, blue jays diving, wrens hopping
For owl, hawk, and crow – calling me to pay attention

For wild and still waters, rivers and lakes
For cool, refreshing, life-giving rain
For clean water flowing abundantly from the tap

For the peacefulness of my home
For the convenience of electricity
For creature comforts like beds and sofas

For food that nourishes
For clothes that cover me
For shelter that protects me

For those who love me
For family, friends, even pets
For all those who offer love, laughter, and joy

For God/dess who lives within
For her guidance and comfort
For her wisdom and love

For all these things and more
I am grateful
Everyday and in every way.

Barbara Garland
March, 2023

Barbara Garland

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