Woman Moon Silhouette Night  - AlemCoksa / Pixabay

I Am Goddess


Creator, sustainer, destroyer – Goddess, three in one

You made me from your own hands.
You formed me in the beginning of time.
You are with me from my birth to my death and as I walk between the worlds.

Who am I to say that your creation is not good?
Who am I to deny the darkness within or the light without?

Because I am your creation, I am whole.
I am made in your likeness.
I am one with all things.

Move, move into the center.
Move into the eye of the storm where all is calm and peaceful.
Move into the balance of all that is.

I am open – open to the wholeness that is me
I am open – open to the Goddess that is me.
I am open – open to the balance of light and dark, shadow and sun.

I am your creation. I am yours. I am whole.

I am Goddess.


Barbara Garland

The Paradigm of Wholeness

October 15, 2020