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An Interconnected Life

Grandmother Spider
She who creates the web of the world
Weaver of lives, of hopes, of dreams.

Beautiful Goddess
Come to me as I weave the strands of my life
First this way, then that – over, under – weaving together beauty and sorrow.
Creating a strong place to lie – an interconnected realm
Where the vibration that is me travels to the whole,
Where my actions reverberate for myself and the many.

Grandmother Spider
Teach me to love each strand in the web.
Each strand has its place.
Each strand contributes.
Teach me to weave the lovely and not so lovely strands
Into the whole tapestry that becomes my beautiful self.

An Interconnected Life

In my spiritual imagination, I am floating blissfully in the cosmos, soaking up the unconditional love of the Infinite Source. I am filled to overflowing with such a vast love that I cannot fully comprehend it. I am also aware of an infinity of souls which are connected by the threads of this love. Most of these souls, however, are not conscious of these threads of love which bind us all together. In my spiritual imagination, I send out love along those threads. Through my own awareness, the threads of love vibrate and move. Some souls are awakened by this vibration. Some stir a little and go back to sleep. I am not the only one in this web who is aware. There are countless others who are awake and who are also sending loving awareness to others.

Since I began to write this blog and put it out into the world, I have become aware that sharing my struggles and my vulnerability with others acts much like that silken web in my spiritual imagination. The vibrations that are released into the world become catalysts for others to birth their own struggles, their own ideas, their own epiphanies into the world.  My “Dance of Yes,” opens someone else to their own “Dance of Yes.” My vibrations help others to awaken, just as the vibrations of others have helped me to become more conscious.

We are all intimately connected by invisible strands of love and by shared (but many time unspoken) experiences. We are more alike than we are different. Each of us is a spiritual being having a human experience, and our experiences tend to be universal. We all desire love, acceptance, security, food, and shelter. We all long for connection with something greater than ourselves, although we are not always conscious of what we long for.

Many times, all it takes is someone courageously sharing their own story to create a spark of recognition in me. A book, a phrase, a song, a painting, a conversation – these can all be aha moments which move me to greater understanding and deeper awareness.  I, personally, have been blessed by many such moments in my own life. These moments have allowed me to see that I am not the only one with doubts and struggles. I am not the only one who feels lost and alone. I am not the only one who thinks the way I do. And in that realization that I am not the only one, I am encouraged to stay on my path, to be brave, to stand in my truth, to claim my own inner strength, and to share with others.

As we live our lives in this interconnected web, it is helpful to remember that we are not alone. Our vibrations make a difference to others, just as theirs make a difference to us. We are called to boldly share our vulnerabilities, our love, and our hearts during our time in these earthly bodies. What part of your vibrations are you willing to share?

Barbara Garland
February, 2021An Interconnected Life


Barbara Garland


February 27, 2021 at 12:23 pm

Chelsea sent me your link. I believe we are on the same long strange highway of life. I look forward to reading more!

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