Deep Knowing
Deep knowing is a visceral connection to truths that aren’t readily apparent.
Deep Knowing
I have lived much of my life trusting my own deep knowing. For me, deep knowing is a visceral connection to truths that aren’t readily apparent. Deep knowing is that aha moment that resonates deep within my body and my heart when I recognize a truth. That deep knowing takes me out of the ordinary and away from conventional wisdom, rules, or religion. It is my Truth, with a capital T.
While you can name deep knowing, intuition, it is much more than that. It is Soul knowledge. It comes from a place beyond intuition, beyond fleeting feelings of what one should or shouldn’t do. It comes from the deepest and most holy part of myself, and it is what informs my spiritual journey.
An example of my own deep knowing is when, as a young girl, I questioned women’s roles and why my church denied women the right to be ministers. I knew that I was as dedicated and intelligent as the ministers I knew. Why was I denied that role just because I was born female? My Soul was asking me to reevaluate and question what I had been taught. It was opening the door for other ways of knowing that didn’t have anything to do with doctrine or dogma.
My deep knowing then becomes the foundation for being the person I am. It has come to me in many forms over the years – from books, from quotes, from friends and loved ones, even from people who considered themselves to be my enemies. It is truth that is intuitive, but more than that, it is mystic, coming from a source much greater than myself. It is visceral, and it is life changing.
My spiritual journey has led me on a long path to the Divine, but without that deep knowing, I would have never broken out of the constraints of a fundamental religion or a sexist culture. It has led me to the knowledge that we are all one, that my source is within, and that love is the connection that binds us all. It has opened the doors to greater understanding of myself and what it means to be a spiritual being walking a human path. I trust the deep knowing that enables me to continue this journey toward the Divine. It is the voice of my Soul leading me to the invisible Source that loves us all fiercely.
Barbara Garland
February, 2022