Do We Really Need Closure?

Spiritually, I don’t think there is ever true closure because we are constantly being challenged to continue to go deeper and to grow deeper.

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Coming Back – in the World, But Not of the World

I am writing this today because I know that I am not the only one dealing with these feelings of disconnect, and I hope that we can support each other as we venture out into the new, old world. Many of us have been transformed during this time, and it is not easy to come back to a world that expects us to be the same.

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The Goddess Speaks in Signs and Wonders and in the Deepest Stirrings of Your Heart

I have consciously been drawn to the Sacred Feminine for over thirty years; unconsciously I have been drawn to Her my entire life. Many women have felt Her calling and questioned the status quo in their hearts, but until now women haven’t had the words or experiences to be able to articulate that longing for a Divine that mirrored their own souls.

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