Practicing Joy

Joy is not dependent on the external circumstances that surround me. It is, however, dependent on my own inner connectedness to the Divine. When I practice living in the present, creativity, communing with nature, gratitude, and spending time with myself and Goddess, I connect ever more deeply to that flow of Spirit within, that deep joy that is mine, regardless of outside circumstances. I become ever more joy filled and grounded in the eternal.
What brings you joy?

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That Which Brings True Joy

Joy, on the other hand, is a state of being in flow. It is a state of being connected with our inner selves and the divine. It is a state that is not dependent on outside circumstances to exist. It is a state of existence that depends on the inner being, not the external circumstances.

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What is Your Song?

What is your song and are you singing it joyfully and consistently? Are you showing up to sing your song?

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Freedom to BE

What are the ways that you free yourself from the chains of unconsciousness? In the words of Suzanne Anderson, how do you become “an evolving source of wisdom, love, and power”?

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