An Interconnected Life

As we live our lives in this interconnected web, it is helpful to remember that we are not alone. Our vibrations make a difference to others, just as theirs make a difference to us. We are called to boldly share our vulnerabilities, our love, and our hearts during our time in these earthly bodies. What part of your vibrations are you willing to share?

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The Pregnant Void

When darkness and uncertainty seem overwhelming, trust becomes the guiding principal for survival. I must trust that there is a Divine plan, and I must be open to following it. I must trust that something in this darkness is waiting to be born into the light, and that that something is in alignment with Spirit

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The Courage to Be Authentic

Is there a part of your deepest self that you are hiding from the world? Where can you show up bravely and with courage?

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The Shadow of Perfectionism

This week I came face to face with my shadow of perfectionism. It is teaching me some valuable lessons. What shadows are you facing?

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